CRAFTS TO MAKE AND SELL EBOOKS. Pick a craft project, make it and sell it!
Crafts To Make And Sell
Updated for 2019!
Are you looking for
crafts that really sell?
Do you want to earn more money with the crafts you already make?
I can show you which crafts sell best ~~ and why!
I've prepared a long list of good selling crafts
and the types of places that repeatedly buy them.
So, whether you're looking for a craft that sells easily
or you already have a favorite craft
and you're looking for people to buy them,
you've come to the right place.
Thousands of people around the country are
making money with crafts working from home.
(I'm one of them.)
We're making items that people want to buy.
You, too, can make money offering customers
what they're looking for.
Handmade crafts and unique gifts
are ALWAYS in demand!
For three decades I've been making handmade items of all kinds, for all kinds of customers. Some of my crafts have been bought and shipped overseas. (I'm in Colorado.)
Because I want to make as much money as possible with my crafts, I've been studying closely what sells well and what doesn't.
I've discovered that the crafts that sell well have several things in common ~ even if the crafts themselves are very different.
And crafts that didn't sell well had other things in common!
Once I figured out these many secrets, I was well on my way to selling every craft I made ~~ and life was better.
You don't have to spend DECADES
learning which crafts sell quickly and which don't.
You can learn it TODAY!
The main book has over 100 pages, which include DOZENS of specific crafting ideas. Most of the crafts have several variations, so you can make them uniquely your own.
And what's equally important, you'll discover why these particular crafts sell better than others.
Once you understand why something sells and why another thing doesn't, you can apply these principals to any craft and evaluate if it's going to be a good seller before you put your time, effort and money into making it.
Furthermore, if you already have a craft you love making ~~ but it's not selling as well as you had hoped ~~ you can take the principals presented in this book and compare them to your craft item or your method of marketing them.
You'll quickly see how to BOOST your sales!
I GUARANTEE you'll understand
how to make ANY craft sell better,
or I'll refund every penny you paid
for this ebook package...
I mean that! I GUARANTEE that these books will teach you how to get your craft selling better ~~ or I'll give you a full refund.
To order the
Crafts to Make and Sell Ebook Package
for only $19.95
over 100 pages in four books,
including all the bonus information,
click on this link:
It's important to find the craft that's right for YOU.
Finding a craft you love to make and sell
is part of finding SUCCESS in this field.
We're all unique individuals ~~ which is why our handmade items are so special.
For this reason, I've included a wide variety of craft options in a vast array of mediums ~~ cloth, leather, wood, tile, paint, yarn, ink, stone, etc. So, if you don't have a craft you love making, you can find one that's just right for YOU.
Or if you already have a craft, you'll learn how to make them more marketable and where to find customers who want to buy them.
Thirty years of experience selling crafts cannot be put into a small pamphlet.
It's not theory and it's not fluff. It's useful information that will help you choose the craft that fits both you and your wonderful future craft-buying customers!
~~~ Testimonials ~~~
Here's what crafters are emailing in
about the 'Crafts To Make And Sell' ebook package:
I have been looking for a book like this. Thank you so much. I am a professional long arm quilter and I look for ways to expand my business. This book is just what I need. I really love all the very helpful information.
I do craft shows in addition to quilting quilts for other people. I have been struggling with what crafts to make for craft shows. I have tried several things but I don't do real well. I think your book gives really great information and I am going to put it to use right away.
Thank you so much for this great book. You did a very nice job.
Terrie Hatcher (Colorado)
Cozy Country Quilt
Thanks, Dusty!
We sell soap. Your book validated something I was thinking - how to increase sales and make our product more unique. We sell to both locals and tourists. We do special gift sets that are packaged for easy travel.
The next step - here's the validation part - will be to offer wrap bands that can go over the bars of soap and be customized, such as for holidays, business promotions, etc. That will help us expand our marketing efforts.
I now see how that can lead to more customized products (non-soap). Hmmmmm - lots of new ideas!
Thanks for your help,
Jennifer (Florida)
Hello Dusty,
Thank you. I have printed the first book and have read half of it. It has been a reality check and inspiration so far. I appreciate the work you have put into writing it.
I mostly work with silk painting in an impressionistic way and painting and embellishing on cotton fabric.
This book is helping me to realize different ways to produce
craft products to sell. And find appropriate outlets to sell them.
Thank you again.
Kind Regards,
Lynn Marie Violich (New Zealand)
No problems downloading the file, didn't even take that long. I am still reading through it, but have focused on a couple of key areas of interest about filling a niche and doing wood working.
The Google section was excellent and really helped with marketing research. The types of crafts I want to market receive more than a million search hits a month, so that gives me confidence that I'm on the right track.
Thanks again!
Bill Herr (Kansas)
As you can see from these testimonials, readers of this crafting ebook package are quickly learning how to develop new products and find new customers.
These clever crafters paid only $19.95 for this information. But they'll earn 10 to 100 times as much money as they implement what they're learning.
These are the 43 chapters you'll get
just in the main ebook.
There's MORE great information
in the bonus ebooks!
1. Finding crafts to make and sell.
2. Determining what sells -- and why.
3. Looking past the ordinary -- making something unique.
4. Looking for outlets BEFORE deciding what to make.
5. Using Internet keyword tools to find a good selling craft.
6. Starting with a craft idea THEN looking for outlets.
7. Beware of the biz-ops!
8. You are not an assembly line -- but repetition brings perfection.
9. Selling your items to many outlets.
10. Using a portfolio and scrapbook to get future sales.
11. Solving the 'key-stoning' problem.
12. Customizing your creation to fit the situation. Working in a variety of mediums.
13. Considering time and materials.
14. Customized logos, badges and coats of arms.
15. Solving the difficulties of working at home.
16. Crafters verses craftsmen -- how to increase your profits.
17. Earning money as a crafter by teaching and publishing.
18. Matching handmade items to customers.
19. Determining the price of your handmade item.
20. What size should the item be? Why size matters.
21. A word about business cards.
22. A word about advertising.
23. When to consign. When not to.
24. The Trouble with 'rent-a-booth' craft outlets.
25. Better ways of selling at craft shows.
26. Selling at home shows, product shows and art shows.
27. Selling other people's handmade items.
28. Customers -- who are they? Why family and friends pose a unique problem and what to do about it.
29. Repeat business and finding similar outlets.
30. Who are the frequent gift givers?
31. Customers -- how do you reach them?
32. Creating a new product. Getting started or getting better.
33. Working with wood.
34. Selling on the internet. Having your own website.
35. Selling your crafts on eBay.
36. Keeping records.
37. Problems are meant to be solved. Solutions to seven the most common problems.
38. Project A
39. Project B
40. Project C
41. Project D
42. Where do you go from here?
43. Resource List.
***New 2019 information: "Internet Marketing for Crafters"
... Loads of Copyright-Free Images to Use for Crafting Ideas
... Where to Get More Copright-Free Images to Use Anyway You Want
... How to Create Your First Craft Video
... The Simplest Way to Edit Your Videos
... How to Create a YouTube Channel and Upload Videos
... How to Promote Your Videos
... Where to Get a Craft Website Created
... How to Sell Your Crafts on Facebook, Etsy and Pinterest
... How to Set Up a Facebook Auction for Your Crafts
To order the
Crafts to Make and Sell Ebook Package
for only $19.95
over 100 pages in four books,
including all the bonus information,
click on this link:
Here's MORE useful information
you'll find in this
valuable ebook package...
* Read the account of a real novice who earns $75 in one afternoon ~~ and makes new friends doing it! This story begins on page 40.
* Learn why you don't have to be an experienced professional to make money with crafts... You simply need the right craft to present to the right customers!
* On page 29 you'll learn why making one important change will cause your craft item to be more appealing to a lot more people.
* Read about the two woman who make and sell bears. One woman makes twice as much money as the other woman. Why is that? Find out on page 38.
* Discover on page 47 how you can know if you're pricing your items correctly.
* Learn on page 63 how you can make money with handmade items without making any of them yourself!
Maybe you love making crafts
but you hate selling them.
No problem....
* Learn how you and your crafting friends can make certain simple items which can generate income for you over and over ~~ without ever selling them! (No kidding.) Read on page 21 what these items are and who will pay you.
* Read on page 51 how to arrange for someone else to do the selling while you stay quietly at home working on your creations.
* Learn how you can make additional income writing articles about yourself and other crafters for trade magazines. Page 71.
* Find out how to make money at craft shows without selling a single item. This is explained starting on page 99.
* Discover how you can advertise your crafts with pictures in the local newspaper ~~ for free! The explanation is on page 28.
Other people are doing it...
Why not you?
* Did you know that every city has a type of business that buys handmade items on a regular basis? Read on pages 67 and 68 how to find these businesses and what type of items they're looking for.
* Did you know there's a whole world of collectors who are anxious to buy certain items that you can make? Learn about them on page 16.
* Did you know you can get free lessons learning how to make unusual crafts that sell well? Find out how on page 11.
* Did you know it's fun going to the bank with a fist-full of checks because you make a craft that sells well? ~~ Ya, you probably knew that. But these books explain how that can happen for you!
These ebooks solve the problem
of finding crafts that sell well.
* You'll learn about a simple product that you can make that's used by babies, teens, single adults, mothers, fathers, widows, widowers, grandparents ~ and even pets! Instructions begin on page 91.
* You'll read about craft items that are sought after by every tourist attraction in the country ~~ actually, in the world!
* I'll point you to a craft item that never goes out of fashion and is loved by millions of Americans in every generation. The instructions for making this project are found on pages 112 through 115.
And you'll have lots of fun
with your FIRST FREE BONUS booklet...
~~ The Tale of Mrs. Fox ~~
Read the story of a woman who quickly found a way to make money from home in the crafting world. She began when she was just a newly-wed. And she continued making money with crafts long after her children were grown and married.
The best part of this story is that you can follow in her footsteps! Even if you live hundreds of miles from a city ~~ in any country in the world.
You can do exactly what she did to make money. Or you can use one of the variations presented in this book to customize her plan to suit yourself.
This is another one of those projects that's not seasonal and never goes out of fashion.
And you'll get a SECOND FREE BONUS booklet, too:
~~ 101 One Minute Organizing Tricks
That Help A Crafter Save Time and Money ~~
One of the crafter's biggest problems is finding more free time to work on his or her creations.
This booklet teaches you how to implement simple changes that automatically cause you to be more productive! ...I know these tricks work because I use them.
Even if you use just one of these tips, you'll have more time for your crafts, family and relaxation.
And of course, the money-saving tips are very valuable, too. If you implement any of these tips, it'll be like a raise in pay!
this money-generating craft ebook package:
~~ Crafts to Make and Sell ~~
~~ Printable Patterns~~
with the 3 free bonuses:
(1) The Tale of Mrs. Fox
and (2) 101 One Minute Organizing Tricks That Help A Crafter Save Time and Money
(3) New for 2019!: Internet Marketing for Crafters
You can get all this information today!
Don't wait to start learning which
To order the
Crafts to Make and Sell Ebook Package
for only $19.95
over 100 pages in four books,
including all the bonus information,
click on this link:
* If you don't find a craft that sells well...
* If you don't learn who buys these handmade items...
* If you don't discover how to boost the sales of the craft you're already making...
* If you don't learn how to make money without selling a single item...
...I'll REFUND EVERY PENNY you paid for this information.
You're invited...
You're invited to ask questions about these books
or to comment on this web site by sending me a message at